Last September, the fashion world witnessed one of the most highly-anticipated debut shows to hit the season. The runway show in question? Sabato De Sarno’s Gucci Ancora show. One that changed the slate for the house, and the first move on the checkerboard for the newly-appointed creative director—after his predecessor had left in November 2022. Presented in Milan, the spring/summer 2024 show was one that paid attention to clean, contemporary shapes that did away with the romantic eccentricity of the house when Alessandro Michele sat at its helm.
Today, De Sarno is about to present his debut collection for menswear, set to unfold at Fonderia Carlo Macchi in Milan. A fond affinity for the relationship between fashion and real life is something he’s professed to before—be it in the Jackie bag remade in softer leather for a sense of the everyday, or the recent anointing of Valerio Eliogabalo Torrisi’s artwork on the Gucci Art Wall that translates to ‘Every now and then, I know, you dream too, and you dream of us’.
Whilst much remains to be seen about De Sarno’s direction moving forward, it’s clear that that deep shade of red he’s plastered everywhere—including the house’s recent Gucci Ancora campaign—is one we’ll be seeing more of at Gucci men’s fall/winter 2024 in Milan today. As for what De Sarno has in store for us today, we can only hope for him to further reinvent the wheel for the house. There’s also plenty to look out for in terms of the celebrity guest list, with high hopes for previous attendee Ryan Gosling to join IU, Jay Park and Thai actor Gulf Kanawut who have confirmed their attendance for the show.
Tune in to the livestream and be amongst the first to catch the Gucci men’s fall/winter 2024 collection on Friday, 12 January at 10pm SGT.